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School Clubs

Rugby Club

Mr Taylor runs Rugby Club for Years Three, Four, Five and Six every Tuesday. The club takes place after school from 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm, with fixtures being played on Fridays. Former pupisl, Colby and Laken, help in the running of the club.

Computer Club (To follow later in the year)

Mr Rushton runs a 'Computer Club' on a Thursday lunchtime for Year 5 and 6. Here, the children learn new computing skills as well as improve their current knowledge. The club involves stop motion, photo editing, coding, creating games and much more.
High Five Club

Mrs Holman's High Five Club takes place every Wednesday from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. The aim is to choose two teams for competitions later in the year. It also encourages a participation in netball moving to high school.

KS1 and KS2 Sports

Every Tuesday (KS2) and Thursday (KS1), the P.E. Academy run after school sports clubs. 


In preparation for new learning and SATs, various members of staff run before and after school boosters to allow children to recap learning that they would like to cover.


Child-lead Clubs


A variety of child lead clubs take place across breaktimes and lunchtimes including: chess, cheerleading, 'Kindness Corner', etc. The ideas, the timetabling and delivery of the clubs is solely down to the children who engaged and support their peers by providing new experiences. 
