Gilded Hollins Primary School
Annual SEN Report- September 2023
The information and data in this report relates to the academic year 2022/23
Gilded Hollins Primary School is a one-form entry mainstream school.
Pupils are aged 4-11 years.
For more information about specialist resources and provision please see the SEN Information Report on our website.
Level of Need | Number of pupils |
Statement / EHCP/EYAR | 3 |
School Support | 19 |
Monitor | 2 |
Areas of Need (some children may have 2 areas of need) | General Learning Difficulties | Specific Learning Difficulties | Speech and Language and communication | Social, mental and emotional health | ASC | Hearing Impairment | Visual Impairment | Complex Physical Medical Issues |
Number of Pupils | 17 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
To address children making slower than expected progress, the following measures are to be put in place–
- Throughout the academic year 2022/23, each class had both a teacher and an LSA to be deployed as appropriate. Interventions, based on the need of the cohort, have been delivered by both adults as appropriate. 1-1 reading has taken place for all SEND children and Target 20% children.
- Parental engagement has remained a key focus. IPPs have been shared with all parents. Class teachers have discussed their child's needs, targets and ways in which school is providing support and ways in which parents can provide support. Staff have shared progress regularly with parents via Seesaw.
- Staff training has had a firm focus on inclusive quality first teaching and all staff have had training on how to make adaptations to the curriculum in order to maintain the high expectations for all children
- Reading has remained a firm priority in school for all children, including those with SEND, and extra adults have been welcomed into school to provide additional opportunities for
1-1 reading. Reading Circles have begun once again in KS2 and Whole Class Reading has exposed all children to quality higher level texts. Choral reading has been implemented to improve reading fluency. - CPD from the local authority has taken place in the form of de-escalation training
- A personalised learning curriculum continues to be in place for one child.
- Staff have been supported in managing challenging behaviour by the TESS SEMH team
Annual Reviews / EHC Plans
- Two annual reviews have taken place
- Transition has taken place with a nursery to ensure a smooth start for a child in Reception with EYAR funding
External Agencies
- 3 referrals to SALT
- 5 referrals to the TESS (Targeted Education Support Service)
- 1 referral to TESS (SEMH)
- Fortnightly support from visual impairment team.
- 4 referrals to occupational therapy
- 1 referral to the Educational Psychologist – governors should be aware the educational psychologist waiting times for assessment and report writing has been increased
- 2 children have an Early Help open and various agencies including SALT, Embrace and StartWell are involved.
Resources Purchased / Accessed
- Seesaw to ensure ongoing communication with parents and to record steps of progress
- Stabilo pens, pencils and grips to support correct handwriting grip
- NW Maths Hub – Mastery Readiness, Mastery in Number
- Number Sense Maths intervention
- Bubble writing
- Additional Reading Books KS1
Interventions for 2022-2023
- Soundswrite phonics programme for small groups
- ‘Join-it’ rescue cursive handwriting programme.
- Maths intervention based on basic skills and recall
- Daily 1-1 reading with staff for all SEND and Target 20% children
- Pre-learning teach
- Post learning response
- SALT programmes
- Booster provision (Before and after school)
- Sensory diet circuits
- Nurture provision
- National Tutoring
- Number Sense
Staff Skills
- Termly Pupil progress meeting to discuss interventions, impact and progress of pupils and set next steps
- Termly Individual Progress Plan reviews for pupils and their families
- SENCO attended termly SEND cluster meetings virtually and RDP meetings
- New SEND Governor appointed, Mrs Waywell
- Training for all staff (delivered by the SENCo): QFT and adaptations and De-escalation
C Malley
September 2023