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Gallery 22-23

Autumn Term

Science / DT: making musical instruments

Maths: multiplying using arrays

Class assembly / DT: making Roman shields and performing our class assembly in front of our parents.

English: writing an adventure story using a short film as inspiration.

RE: learning about Advent and making Christingles

Christmas jumper day

History / art: making Roman mosaics

DT: Cooking vegetable paella for our topic on European Countries

DT / Geography: Making paper skyscrapers. How tall can they get?

Science: Investigating how sugar in drinks rots teeth.

Science/ our local community: Learning about birds with Leigh Ornithological Society

Science: Looking at how sound creates vibrations.

Spring Term

Science: Creating electrical circuits

DT: Making a delicious apple sponge. We used cutting, peeling, grating and folding skills as well as measuring our own ingredients to the nearest gram.

Maths: Learning how to work out the perimeter of a rectilinear shape by using straws.

English / community links: Taking a trip on the bus to Leigh Library and meeting author ‘Ray Douglas’. We listened to his poems and then created our own ‘mental health’ poems which have been displayed around the library.

Art / History: Learning how to draw humans, working with clay and then putting those skills together to create Ancient Greek vases.
