Home Page

General information



Homework is set on a Wednesday and is to be handed in by the following Wednesday. 


We expect the children to be reading five times weekly, this should be recorded in the reading record to show the reading done over the week. Each week, three books will be sent home on a Monday and changed the following Monday.




PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Both indoor and outdoor PE kits need to be in school at all times. On PE days, long hair must be tied back and no earrings worn.



The children should bring a clear, sports cap style bottle to school daily with plain, still water for them to drink throughout the day.


Useful apps

White Rose Maths - mad minutes. Children have to answer maths questions speedily to see how many they answer correctly in one minute.


Pocket Phonics (full version). Children have to recognise sounds and blend them together to make words. They also work on their letter formation.

Useful websites
