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Gallery 2023/24

Summer Term

Chiaroscuro artwork focusing on light and dark

SATs are done! We’re so proud of you all!

Investigating the interior angles of polygons

Refining our skills at measuring the angle of turn.

We were inspired listening to Paralympic athlete and cyclist, James Ball

Considering if Oliver Cromwell was a saviour or a usurper

Music composition - very impressive with a maths link too!

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Spring Term

World Book Day - a day to celebrate the joy of books and reading

Science Day including the curly wurly challenge!

Eco Day - a day to remind ourselves of ways we can help our wonderful earth!

Music - listen to our hip hop composition!

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Y6 Enterprise - we’ve made Valentine’s keyrings to sell!

We’re learning how to solve algebraic equations!

Stunning writing... Macbeth!

A new maths topic: ratio!

A maths game involving some tricky maths conversions!

A snow day! Happy days!

As part of our DT, we made and evaluated Bean Burgers.

We placed ages on our timelines from Stone Age to Early Age of Islam and thought about where the English Civil War would go.

Our French dialogue is coming along nicely as we discuss our favourite subjects.

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Autumn Term

Thank you to our school councillors who planned and prepared a lovely harvest. An overwhelming amount of supplies was sent to the local food bank.

We met our Reception buddies! Here’s to some lovely relationships developing!

Book circle is back on and we’re loving it!

The Challenge Cup... yes it really did come to our school!

Investigating how blocked arteries restrict blood flow in Science.

PE - working as a team!

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What a start to Y6 writing. This was inspired by the film, The Lighthouse.

As we prepare for our residential to Thurston, we located it on an OS map and used the key to identify symbols.

As part of our place value unit in Maths, we played a rounding game which required tactical skill!

As part of our ‘Me and My Relationships’ topic in PSHE, we took part in a collaboration challenge...

In Science, we re-enacted the circulatory system thinking about the flow of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

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As part of our topic on design through photography, we created a photomontage using Hannah Hoch as an inspiration.

Before completing a piece of descriptive writing, we tried to describe a picture to our partners thinking carefully about the language we used.

Our new class novel - Holes by Louis Sacher
