How do we promote British Values at Gilded Hollins?
Gilded Hollins Community Primary School
Statement of British Values
At Gilded Hollins Community Primary School we provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We encourage all children to be tolerant and respectful of those of different faiths and beliefs. We provide the children with an understanding of the main festivals and key dates of significance to British Culture e.g. Remembrance Day, the death of the monarch, the Coronation and major political events such as elections.
Our school is summed up in the phrase that forms the backbone of our whole ethos: ‘Respect Everyone’
Children are involved in democratic processes e.g. School Council, Eco-Council, pupil leadership.
Children make statements for election to the School Council and gather the opinions of their classmates when bringing about change through the School Council.
During assemblies, and in class, we discuss the role of democracy to coincide with national and local elections.
Children learn about the present monarchy and the monarchy in previous years, as well as political leaders from the past.
Children are involved in debates and open discussions and are encouraged to have their voices heard. For example, a small group of children campaigned to have cordial reinstated onto the lunchtime time menu.
Children have roles and responsibilities within school – classroom monitors, playleaders, librarians, school buddies, assisting Reception Class in the lunch hall, etc.
Children raise funds for charities throughout the year and many have chosen to do this.
We have also raised money for various other charities, including fundraising in each class (via cakes sales, a sponsored silence, and a treasure hunt) to collect money for a local homeless organisation and our collection for Macmillan in memory of our colleague Janet Collier.
We have worked with local Magistrates to educate the children about upholding British law and the Prosecution Service.
Assemblies are given on major political events taking place in Great Britain and on notable figures from the country's past and present.
Whole classes are able to win Magic 'S's, which are stored in a Superclass jar and translate into minutes earned towards a Golden Time session at the end of each half term. This inculcates a sense of teamwork and collaboration for the common good. Children take part as teams in various school events, such as School Games Day, and participate in the many out of curriculum team tournaments in which we compete. All this encourages taking the views and strengths of the team as a means of success, rather than the views of the individual.
Clearly structured and enforced Behaviour Policy.
Expectations about behaviour are discussed regularly.
Children are taught about how rules and behaviours keep us safe.
Assemblies cover national and international events.
Visits from outside agencies such as the Police, the Fire Service and other people who help us.
Children are taught about outside agencies who protect us by enforcing laws e.g. ChildLine, Magistrates.
Class rules, playground rules, road safety rules, e-safety rules are covered in the curriculum.
Continuous provision, child led learning and pupil choice are encouraged as part of school life.
Children have choices for lunch menus, reading books, snacks and after school clubs.
Children audition for concerts and performances and try out for sports teams throughout the year.
Through collective worship and R.E children are encouraged to develop self-respect and confidence by gaining an understanding of the rights which we all have to be listened to and treated with respect. This is often achieved through the teachings of major faiths, including Christianity.
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
Our curriculum encourages pupils to express themselves and to be free to be themselves
Sports activities promote an attitude of equality and fairness.
Our PSHE curriculum embodies values of mutual respect.
We acknowledge awards and achievements of the pupils gained from outside school activities through our weekly Awards Assembly.
RE is taught across the school and features the major world religions. This learning includes visits to other places of worship, and inviting outside visitors to school to share learning about other faiths
Through RE, children are taught to understand and respect different faiths and beliefs.
PSHE lessons on current events, and informal discussions, encourage the children to ask questions about the world and the people in it, knowing that they will be listened to and given an unbiased and fair view.
Pupils learn about and celebrate different festivals throughout the school year.
Pupils share stories exploring morals, cultures and beliefs.
Prevent Duty
The aim of ‘Prevent’ is to stop people becoming or supporting terrorists and to do this by challenging ideologies, protecting vulnerable individuals and supporting institutions, such as schools.
At Gilded Hollins Community Primary School we believe that children should be given the opportunity to explore the issue of diversity and understand Britain as a multi-cultural society. Providing a safe learning environment in which children can raise controversial questions and concerns without fear of reprimand or ridicule and explore boundaries of what’s acceptable will engender an open attitude to multi-cultural and race issues.
We do this through our PSHE and RE curriculum which aims to foster in children values such as tolerance, understanding, respect and, indeed, welcome for people from all countries, faiths and backgrounds. We also do this through debate and healthy discussion within a safe learning environment where opinions are valued and challenged in a respectful and informed way.
Staff have received training as part of our safeguarding duties in the recognition of children who may be vulnerable to such extremism.
The Chair of Gilded Hollins Governing Body, Mrs E Haworth, is school's British Values Governor. She is responsible for ensuring that the promotion of British Values is one of the main tenets of the Gilded Hollins philosophy.