Welcome to the Governors' section. In this section you will find details of:
You will also find photographs of governors in school..
Finally, at the end of this governor section, are copies of the old Governor Newsletter. This was produced to share some of the work of the governors with parents, to give an insight into what the governors do. This has now been replaced by news about the governors, as appropriate, on the school newsletter, as these are more regular snapshots, but the Governor Newsletters are saved here as they contain more detail of some of the governors which you may find interesting.
The three core strategic functions of the Governing body:
More information on the role of the Governors can be found on the DfE website.
The Governor's Handbook can be found here
The roles and responsibilities of the Governors can be found here
To contact the governors please contact the school office.
Governors 2024- 2025 | Role | Responsibilities
Mr R Hampson | Chair of Governors | Safeguarding Health and Safety ICT Pay Committee |
Mrs C Burns | Headteacher | Headteacher Safeguarding Pay Committee Pupil Premium |
Mrs B Miller | Co-opted | English Music
Mr B Manning | LA Governor Vice Chair of Governors | Attendance PE Humanities Sports Premium Finance |
Ms J Martin | Staff Governor | Year 4 Class teacher Computing Lead Art and DT lead |
Mrs N Mularkey | Co-opted | EYFS Maths |
Mr T Sweeney | Co-opted Governor | Science Pay Committee |
Mrs A Waywell | Parent Governor | SEND Art and DT Pay Committee |
Governor Code of Conduct 2024 to 2025
Amendments to be agreed at first meeting of the school year
The Code of Conduct sets out the expectations of and commitment required from
Governors’ in order for the Governing Board to properly carry out its work within the school and the community. The Governing Board can amend the Code to include reference to the aims and ethos of the school.
The Governing Board has the following three strategic functions:
· Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
· Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
· Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
As individuals on the board we agree to the following:
Role and Responsibilities
1. We understand the purpose of the board and the role of the Headteacher and will ensure that the work of the board remains focused on the three strategic functions.
2. We accept that we have no legal authority to act individually, except when the board has given us delegated authority to do so, and therefore we will only speak on behalf of the governing board when we have been specifically authorised to do so.
3. We accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the board or its delegated agents. This means that we will not speak against majority decisions outside the governing board meeting.
4. We have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as we have responsibility for staff, we will fulfil all that is expected of a good employer.
5. We will encourage open government and will act appropriately.
6. We will consider carefully how our decisions may affect the community and other schools.
7. We will always be mindful of our responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school and ensure that the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are upheld within the school. Our actions within the school and the local community will reflect this.
8. In making or responding to criticism or complaints affecting the school we will follow the procedures established by the governing board.
9. We will actively support and challenge the headteacher.
10. We acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy.
11. We will each involve ourselves actively in the work of the governing board, and accept our fair share of responsibilities, including service on committees or working groups.
12. We will make full efforts to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend explain in advance why we are unable to.
13. We will get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.
14. We will visit the school, with all visits to school arranged in advance with the staff and undertaken within the framework established by the governing board and agreed with the headteacher.
15. We will consider seriously our individual and collective needs for training and development, and will undertake relevant training.
16. We accept that in the interests of open government, our names, terms of office, roles on the governing board, category of governor and the body responsible for appointing us and the register of interests will be published on the school’s website.
17. We will strive to work as a team in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted.
18. We will express views openly, courteously and respectfully in all our communications with other governors.
19. We will support the chair in their role of ensuring appropriate conduct both at meetings and at all times.
20. We are prepared to answer queries from other governors in relation to delegated functions and take into account any concerns expressed, and we will acknowledge the time, effort and skills that have been committed to the delegated function by those involved.
21. We will seek to develop effective working relationships with the headteacher, staff and parents, the local authority and other relevant agencies and the community.
22. We will observe confidentiality regarding proceedings of the governing board in meetings and from our visits to school as governors.
23. We will observe complete confidentiality when required or asked to do so by the governing board, especially regarding matters concerning individual staff or students.
24. We will exercise the greatest prudence if a discussion of a potentially contentious issue affecting the school arises outside the governing board.
25. We will not reveal the details of any governing board vote.
Conflicts of Interest
26. We will record any pecuniary interest (including those related to people we are connected with) that we have in connection with the governing board’s business in the Register of Interests, and in any such conflicted matter arises in a meeting we will offer to leave the meeting for the appropriate length of time.
27. We will also declare any conflict of loyalty at the start of any meeting should the situation arise.
28. We will act in the best interests of the school as a whole and not as a representative of any group, even if elected to the governing board.
Social Media
29. We will not identify ourselves as governors of the school at which we are a governor on any social medium.
30. We will not engage in activities involving social media which might bring the school at which we are governors into disrepute.
31. We will not represent our personal views as those of the school at which we are a governor on any social medium.
Breach of this code
If we believe this code has been breached, we will raise this issue with the chair and the chair will investigate; the governing board will only use suspension or removal as a last resort after seeking to resolve any difficulties or disputes in more constructive ways.
Should it be the chair that we believe has breached this code; another governor such as the vice-chair will investigate.
All governors will sign to say they have read and understand the Code of Conduct at the first governing board meeting each school year.
Governor roles
2024 to 2025
The Governing Body is responsible for:
Pay Committee: Delegated by the Full Governing body to make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher, teachers and support staff.
Any committees required on an ad-hoc basis, to deal with issues such as complaints, will be drawn from those governors available at the time who have no relevant prior knowledge or personal interest in the situation being looked at
Ten governors in total. 0 vacancies currently.
The reconstitution came into effect from 7th March 2019
Details about the Governors
All terms of office are 4 years, except for the Headteacher and staff governor, but governors can remain on the governing body for consecutive terms of office if reappointed.
Meetings also attended by Mrs Cathy Malley, Deputy Headteacher and Observer and Mrs Amy Appleton, Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Joanne Gumm, School Business Manager, attends the first part of each meeting if required, to report on financial matters
Register of Interests
Name | Details of business interests or connections to other Wigan Council or neighbouring councils educational establishments | Personal interest | |
Mrs C Burns | Headteacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School |
| |
Mr R Hampson |
| Parent | |
Mrs B Miller |
| |
Mr B Manning |
| Grandparent Related to a member of staff | |
Mr Brent Manning |
| Grandparent Related to a member of staff | |
Miss J Martin | Teacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School | Member of staff | |
Mrs Nicola Mullarkey | Centre Principal, Salford City College | Parent | |
Mr T Sweeney | Grandparent | ||
Mrs Allison Waywell |
| Parent |
Attendance Record
YES = attended
APOLS = apologies offered and accepted
NO = didn’t attend and no apologies offered prior to meeting / apologies offered but not accepted
N.A = Not applicable e.g. not a governor at that time
Name | Full Governing Body Meetings | ||||||||
| FGB1
| FGB2 | FGB3 | FGB4 | FGB5 | FGB6 | |||
Mrs Chris Burns |
| Yes | Yes |
| |||
Mr Robert Hampson | Yes | Yes |
| |||
Mrs B Miller | Yes | Yes |
| |||
Mr Brent Manning | Yes | Apols |
| |||
Miss J Martin | Yes | Yes |
| |||
Mrs Nicola Mullarkey | n/a | Yes |
| |||
Mr T Sweeney | Yes | Yes |
| |||
Mrs A Halliwell | Yes | Yes |
| |||
Meetings are also attended by: | |||||||||
Mrs Cathy Malley (observer) |
| |||
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) |
| |||
School Business Manager |
| |||
Name | Pay Sub Committee Meetings (more called if needed) |
Mrs Chris Burns |
Mr Gareth Dickinson (Head’s reviewer) |
Mr Rob Hampson (Head’s reviewer) |
Mrs Madeliene Pires (Head’s reviewer) |
Vacancy |
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) |
Annual Governance Statement 2023 to 2034
Governor roles
The Governing Body is responsible for:
Pay Committee: Delegated by the Full Governing body to make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher, teachers and support staff. Made up of the Chair of Governors, the Headteacher, 4 other non-staff governors, 3 of whom are Head’s Reviewers
Any committees required on an ad-hoc basis, to deal with issues such as complaints, will be drawn from those governors available at the time who have no relevant prior knowledge or personal interest in the situation being looked at
Information about the Governing Body (currently no vacancies)
Ten governors in total. 0 vacancies currently.
The reconstitution came into effect from 7th March 2019
Details about the Governors
All terms of office are 4 years, except for the Headteacher and staff governor, but governors can remain on the governing body for consecutive terms of office if reappointed.
Names in alphabetical order
| Category of governor | Date of appointment | Current term of Office | Positions of Responsibility
| Other Responsibilities |
Mrs Christine Burns | Headteacher | 7.1.19 | 7.1.19 onwards |
| Head teacher Pay Committee member |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | Co-opted | 5.1.21 | 5.1.21 – 4.1.25 | Vice-Chair of Pay Committee | Year 4 Class Governor DT Subject Governor Pay committee member Governor Reviewer/Target setting |
Mrs Samantha Grainey | Co-opted | 14.1.20 | 14.1.20 – 13.1.24 | Vice-Chair of Governors Chair of Pay Committee
| Year 5 Class Governor PSHE Governor RE Governor Website Governor Pay committee member Governor Reviewer/Target setting |
Mr Chris Hamer | Co-opted | 26.4.22 | 26.4.22 – 25.4.22 |
| Year R Class Governor PE Subject Governor Sports Premium |
Mr Robert Hampson | Parent | 1.10.21 | 1.10.21 – 30.9.25 |
| Year 3 Class Governor Science Governor ICT Governor Pay committee member |
Mrs Elizabeth Haworth | Local Authority | ~Sept 1992 | 18.4.20 – 17.4.24 | Chair of Governors
| Year 6 Class Governor Maths Subject / Numeracy Governor Music Governor Safeguarding Governor / Single Central Record School Council Governor Governor Reviewer/Target setting Link Governor Recovery Funding Governor Health and Safety Governor Health and Wellbeing (including mental health) SMSC/British Values/Equality/Community GDPR Pay Committee member |
Mr Brent Manning | Co-opted | 26.1.23 | 26.1.23 – 25.1.27 |
| Year 2 Governor Humanities Governor Attendance Governor Finance Governor |
Mrs Madeleine Pires | Parent | 21.5.21 | 21.5.21 – 20.5.25 |
| EYFS Governor English Governor Art Subject Governor PFL Governor |
Mr Robert Taylor | Staff | 1.9.21 | 6.9.23 – 3.9.24 |
| Year 5 Class Teacher PE and Humanities Subject Lead |
Mrs Allison Waywell | Co-opted | 26.1.23 | 26.1.23 - 25.1.27 |
| Year 1 Class Governor SEND and Pupil Premium Governor |
Meetings also attended by Mrs Cathy Malley, Deputy Headteacher and Observer and Mrs Amy Appleton, Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Joanne Gumm, School Business Manager, attends the first part of each meeting if required, to report on financial matters
Register of Interests
Name | Details of business interests or connections to other Wigan Council or neighbouring councils' educational establishments | Personal interest |
Mrs Chris Burns | Headteacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School |
Mr Gareth Dickinson |
| Parent |
Mrs Sam Grainey |
| Parent |
Mr Chris Hamer | Teacher, Culcheth High School | Parent |
Mr Robert Hampson |
| Parent |
Mrs Liz Haworth |
Mr Brent Manning |
| Grandparent Related to a member of staff |
Mrs Madeleine Pires |
Mr Rob Taylor | Teacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School |
Mrs Allison Waywell |
| Parent |
Attendance Record
YES = attended
APOLS = apologies offered and accepted
NO = didn’t attend and no apologies offered prior to meeting / apologies offered but not accepted
N.A = Not applicable e.g. not a governor at that time
Name | Full Governing Body Meetings | ||||||||
| 26.9.23
| 28.11.23 | 30.1.24 | 26.3.24 | 30.4.24 | 2.7.24 | |||
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mr Gareth Dickinson | YES | YES | NO | YES | YES | NO
| |||
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES | APOLS | APOLS | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mr Chris Hamer | APOLS | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mr Robert Hampson | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mr Brent Manning | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Madeleine Pires | NO | YES | APOLS | YES | APOLS | YES | |||
Mr Rob Taylor | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs A Halliwell | APOLS | NO | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | |||
| |||||||||
Mrs Cathy Malley (observer) | APOLS | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Joanna Gumm (SBM) | YES for finance items | YES for finance items | APOLS
| YES for finance items | YES for finance items | YES for finance items | |||
Name | Pay Sub Committee Meetings (more called if needed) | ||
| 4.12.23 |
Mrs Chris Burns | YES |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | YES |
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES |
Mr Rob Hampson | YES |
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES |
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) | YES |
Training undertaken by governors, 2023 to 2024
Training completed by individual governors this school year includes:
Chair’s statement, 2023 to 2024
The profile of the governors remains diverse, with a wide range of ages, work and life backgrounds, and skills, and a balance of genders. We hold face-to-face meetings, as this allows the discussions to flow more freely and also gives us the opportunity to go on learning walks round school if time allows.
During the first half of the Autumn Term, we each met with the subject lead/s and class teacher to which we are linked, to discuss the implementation of their plans for the school year. The meeting with the subject lead included sharing information about how the subject is delivered and monitored in school, how progress is measured and how the children feel about the subject, as well as any changes being made since last year’s meeting. The meeting with class teachers included sharing dates such as class assemblies and events such as family learning sessions and trips, so governors could arrange to attend, work allowing. We also held a Governors’ Assembly, during which we explained the role of the governors to the children, with two governors joining us on the big screen as they were unable to attend in person.
In the Spring Term we took part in Governors’ Day, spending the day in school with the class to which we are linked. During this time, we all saw our class being taught maths, and aspects of phonics or reading, and writing, as well as each of us watching a foundation subject which we are attached to. We also all enjoyed attending a whole school assembly. We were very impressed by how engaged the children are, how well they are doing and how confident they are talking to us.
In the Summer Term we held a new governor event, Governor Marketplace. This was for an hour immediately after school. Each teacher set up a ‘stall’ based on the subject/s on which they lead, to showcase the children’s work. They also had two children from their own class with them to tell us about their subject/s. The children were so enthusiastic about each subject and so proud to be speaking to us. We followed this event with a meeting of the full governing body, where one agenda item was to discuss the event and whether we felt it was worth repeating next year; the decision was a unanimous yes.
Throughout the school year governors also visited school to review their own individual responsibilities, such as safeguarding, health and safety, attendance and SEND, and to attend class assemblies and other events, such as trips, or go on educational visits as part of their subject responsibilities. After each monitoring visit to, or out of, school governors write a report and share it with school staff and other governors. This year one governor not only suggested that we introduce a new role to the list of governor roles, which was finance governor, but also volunteered to take on the role, so the governing body continues to evolve in order to better implement the Governors’ 5-year Strategic Plan.
I was in school for every day of the Year 6 SATs to monitor the implementation of the tests; not only were the tests very professionally organised and delivered the children behaved impeccably, being fully engaged in the warm-up session before each test and during the tests themselves. We are delighted that their hard work, and that of the whole staff, especially the Year 6 team under the leadership of Mrs Malley, has produced such a wonderful set of results, which will stand the children in good stead as they move up to their new schools. As safeguarding governor, I was involved in the appointment of two new staff members, monitoring that Safer Recruitment processes were being followed, completed a safeguarding/health and safety walk with the school business manager and caretaker, and regularly checked the school’s Single Central Record. The children are always warm and welcoming, and are used to having governors around school. They understand the lanyard system which shows them who it Is safe to interact with, and say they feel very safe in school.
It is always invaluable to get into school so we can not only see that our vision and aims for the children are being met but also see the outcomes of our decisions in areas such as policy review and financial planning in the light of budgetary constraints, which is a constant challenge. The school is very fortunate to have a wonderful team of teaching and support staff who work tirelessly to provide the best education and learning environment they can, and warm and respectful children who are well supported by their families. We are also lucky to have a very supportive Friends of Gilded Hollins group, who raise funds, provide resources and give their time and commitment to help the school.
The children and staff are always at the forefront of our discussions and decision making and I am confident that we have continued to support the school to the best of our abilities this year. I have made the very difficult decision to retire after 32 years as a governor with effect from the last day in August 2024, as has the Vice-chair after two separate terms of office as a governor, but am confident that the governors will continue to do an excellent job under the Chair-elect, Rob Hampson, and his Vice-chair elect, Brent Manning. I wish the whole school community the very best in the future.
Liz Haworth
Chair of Governors
Annual Governance Statement
2022 to 2023
The Governing Body is responsible for:
Pay Committee: Delegated by the Full Governing body to make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher, teachers and support staff. Made up of the Chair of Governors, the Headteacher and 4 other non-staff governors, 3 of whom are the Head’s Reviewers
Any committees required on an ad-hoc basis, to deal with issues such as complaints, will be drawn from those governors available at the time who have no relevant prior knowledge or personal interest in the situation being looked at
Information about the Governing Body (currently no vacancies)
Ten governors in total. 0 vacancies currently.
The reconstitution came into effect from 7th March 2019
All terms of office are 4 years, except for the Headteacher and staff governor, but governors can remain on the governing body for consecutive terms of office if reappointed.
Governor Roles
Names in alphabetical order
| Category of governor | Date of appointment | Current term of Office | Positions of Responsibility | Other Responsibilities |
Mrs Christine Burns | Headteacher | 7.1.19 | 7.1.19 onwards |
| Head teacher Pay Committee member |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | Co-opted | 5.1.21 | 5.1.21 – 4.1.25 | Vice-Chair of Pay Committee | Year 3 Class Governor DT Subject Governor Pay committee member Governor Reviewer/Target setting |
Mrs Samantha Grainey | Co-opted | 14.1.20 | 14.1.20 – 13.1.24 | Vice-Chair of Governors Chair of Pay Committee
| Year 4 Class Governor PSHE Governor RE Governor Website Governor Pay committee member Governor Reviewer/Target setting |
Mr Chris Hamer | Co-opted | 26.4.22 | 26.4.22 – 25.4.26 |
| Year 5 Class Governor PE Subject Governor Sports Premium |
Mr Robert Hampson | Parent | 1.10.21 | 1.10.21 – 30.9.25 |
| Year 2 Class Governor Science Governor ICT Governor Pay committee member |
Mrs Elizabeth Haworth | Local Authority | ~Sept 1992 | 18.4.20 – 17.4.24 | Chair of Governors
| Year 6 Class Governor Maths Subject / Numeracy Governor Music Governor Safeguarding Governor / Single Central Record School Council Governor Governor Reviewer/Target setting Health and Safety Governor Health and Wellbeing (including mental health) SMSC/British Values/Equality/Community GDPR Pay Committee member |
Mrs Sara Lawrenson | Co-opted 5.1.21 Resigned 22.9.22 | Vice-chair of Governors
| Year 3 Class Governor English Governor Pay Committee member | ||
Mr Brent Manning | Co-opted | 26.1.23 | 26.1.23 - 25.1.27 | Year 1 Governor Humanities Governor Attendance Governor | |
Mrs Madeleine Pires | Parent | 21.5.21 | 21.5.21 – 20.5.25 |
| Year R Class / EYFS Governor English Governor Art Subject Governor PFL Governor |
Mr Robert Povah | Co-opted 5.1.21 Resigned 2.10.22 |
| Year 6 Class Governor Humanities Governor | ||
Mr Robert Taylor | Staff | 1.9.21 | 1.9.21 – 31.8.23 |
| Year 5 Class Teacher PE and Humanities Subject Lead |
Mrs Allison Waywell | Co-opted | 26.1.23 | 26.1.23 - 25.1.27 | Year R Class Governor SEND and Pupil Premium Governor |
Meetings also attended by Mrs Cathy Malley, Deputy Headteacher and Observer
Register of Interests
Name | Details of business interests or connections to other Wigan Council or neighbouring councils educational establishments | Personal interest |
Mrs Chris Burns | Headteacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School |
Mr Gareth Dickinson |
| Parent |
Mrs Sam Grainey |
| Parent |
Mr Chris Hamer | Teacher, Culcheth High School | Parent |
Mr Robert Hampson |
| Parent |
Mrs Liz Haworth |
Mrs Sara Lawrenson | Headteacher, Ince C of E Primary School No longer a governor | Parent |
Mr Brent Manning | Grandparent Related to a member of staff | |
Mrs Madeleine Pires |
| Parent |
Mr Rob Povah | No longer a governor | Parent |
Mr Rob Taylor | Teacher, Gilded Hollins CE Primary School |
Mrs Allison Waywell | Parent |
Attendance Record
YES = attended
APOLS = apologies offered and accepted
NO = didn’t attend and no apologies offered prior to meeting / apologies offered but not accepted
N.A = Not applicable e.g. not a governor at that time
Name | Full Governing Body Meetings | ||||||||
| 27.9.22
| 22.11.22 | 26.1.23 | 21.3.23 | 2.5.23 | 20.6.23 | |||
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Mr Gareth Dickinson | YES | YES | YES | YES | APOLS |
| |||
Mrs Sam Grainey | APOLS | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Mr Chris Hamer | YES | YES | YES | NO | YES | ||||
Mr Robert Hampson | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Mr Brent Manning | Not yet a governor | YES | YES | ||||||
Mrs Madeleine Pires | YES | YES | APOLS | YES | YES |
| |||
Mr Rob Povah | APOLS | No longer a governor | |||||||
Mr Rob Taylor | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Mrs Allison Waywell | Not yet a governor | YES | YES | ||||||
| |||||||||
Mrs Cathy Malley (observer) | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
| |||
Joanna Gumm (SBM) | YES | YES | N.A. | N.A. | YES |
| |||
Name | Pay Sub Committee Meetings (more called if needed) | ||
| 28.11.22 |
Mrs Chris Burns | YES |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | YES |
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES |
Mr Rob Hampson | YES |
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES |
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) | APOLS |
Training undertaken by governors 2022 to 2023
All governors have completed level 2 safeguarding training Other training completed by individual governors includes:
Chair’s statement 2022 to 2023 We welcomed two new governors this year, who have already made a valuable contribution to our discussions. The profile of the governors remains diverse, with a wide range of ages, work and life backgrounds and skills, and a balance of genders. We hold face-to-face meetings, as this allows the discussions to flow more freely and also gives us chance to go on learning walks round school if time allows. During the first half of the Autumn Term, we each met with the subject lead/s and class teacher to which we are linked, to discuss the implementation of their plans for the school year. This included sharing dates such as class assemblies, and events such as family learning session and trips, so governors could arrange to attend, work allowing.
In the Spring Term we took part in Governors’ Day, where governors spent the day in school with the class to which they are linked. During this time, they saw their class being taught maths, and aspects of phonics or reading, and writing, as well as at least one foundation subject, and attended a whole school assembly.
Governors also visited school to review their own individual responsibilities, such as safeguarding, health and safety, attendance and SEND, and to attend class assemblies and other events, such as trips, or go on educational visits as part of their subject responsibilities. I was on the panel for several staff appointments, to monitor the use of safer recruitment processes, and was in school for some SATs to monitor the implementation of the tests. I also completed a safeguarding/health and safety walk with the head and caretaker, attended a school council meeting and regularly checked the school’s Single central Record. After each monitoring visit to school governors wrote a report and share it with school staff and the rest of the governors.
We were all delighted to see how well the children were doing when we were in on Governor Day. The staff have worked so hard with the children to make up for any learning lost during the pandemic and the children are well supported by their families. The children are always warm and welcoming, and are used to having governors around school. They understand the lanyard system which shows them who it Is safe to interact with, and say they feel very safe in school.
It is always invaluable to get into school so we can not only see that our vision and aims for the children are being met but also see the outcomes of our decisions in areas such as policy review and financial planning in the light of budgetary constraints, which is a constant challenge. However, the school is very fortunate to have a wonderful team of teaching and support staff who work tirelessly to provide the best education and learning environment they can. We are also lucky to have a very supportive Friends of Gilded Hollins group, who raise funds, provide resources and give their time and commitment to help the school.
The children and staff are always at the forefront of our discussions and decision making and I am confident that we have continued to support the school to the best of our abilities this year.
Liz Haworth Chair of Governors
Governor Attendance 2021 to 2022
Attendance Record
YES = attended
APOLS = apologies offered and accepted
NO = didn’t attend and no apologies offered prior to meeting / apologies offered but not accepted
N.A = Not applicable e.g. not a governor at that time
Name | Full Governing Body Meetings | ||||||||
| 28.9.21 MS Teams | 23.11.21 MS Teams | 18.1.21 MS Teams | 8.3.22 In school | 26.4.22 In school | 21.6.22 In school | |||
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Joanne Crombleholme | YES | YES | APOLS |
| |||||
Mr Gareth Dickinson | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES | APOLS | NO | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mr Chris Hamer | Not yet a governor | YES | APOLS | ||||||
Mr Robert Hampson | Not yet a governor | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Sara Lawrenson | YES | APOLS | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | |||
Mrs Sue Mair | YES | YES | YES | No longer a governor | |||||
Mrs Madeleine Pires | YES | YES | NO | YES | YES | APOLS | |||
Mr Rob Povah | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | APOLS | YES | |||
Mr Rob Taylor | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
| |||||||||
Mrs Cathy Malley (observer) | YES | YES | APOLS | YES | YES | YES | |||
Clerk Mrs Sharon Goodland 28.9.21 Mrs Catherine Collier 23.11.21 Mrs Michelle Foster 18.1.22 Mrs Marie Collier 8.3.22 Miss Amy Appleton clerk from 26.4.22 | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |||
Lucy Swift for first three then Joanna Gumm (SBM) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | NA | |||
Name | Pay Sub Committee Meetings (more called if needed) | ||
| 23.11.21 | 18.1.212 |
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES |
Mrs Joanne Crombleholme | YES | APOLS | No longer a governor |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | Not yet a member of the pay committee |
| |
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES | YES |
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES |
Mrs Sara Lawrenson | YES | YES |
Miss Amy Appleton (clerk) | YES | YES |
Governor Attendance, 2020 to 2021
Attendance Record
YES = attended
APOLS = apologies offered and accepted
NO = didn’t attend and no apologies offered prior to meeting / apologies offered but not accepted
N.A = Not applicable e.g. not a governor at that time
Name | Full Governing Body Meetings | |||||
| 6.10.20 MS Teams | 17.11.20 | 12.1.21 | 2.3.21 | 27.4.21 | 22.6.21 |
Mrs Louise Bailey | Not yet a governor | YES | YES | YES | YES | APOLS |
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Joanne Crombleholme | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mr Gareth Dickinson | Not yet a governor | YES | NO | YES | YES | |
Miss Nicola Dickson | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Sam Grainey | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Lyndsay Johnson | YES | No longer a governor | ||||
Mrs Sara Lawrenson | Not yet a governor | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Mrs Sue Mair | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Madeleine Pires | Not yet a governor | YES | ||||
Mr Rob Povah | Not yet a governor | YES | NO | YES | YES | |
Mrs Beth Thornley | YES | YES | No longer a governor | |||
Mr Anthony Wakefield | YES | YES | YES | YES | No longer a governor | |
| ||||||
Mrs Cathy Malley (observer) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Sharon Goodland (clerk) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Name | Pay Sub Committee Meetings called if needed | ||
| 6.10.19, MS Teams | 12.1.21, MS Teams | 22.3.21 |
Mrs Chris Burns | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Joanne Crombleholme | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Sam Grainey | Not yet a member | YES | YES |
Mrs Liz Haworth | YES | YES | YES |
Mrs Lyndsay Johnson | YES | No longer a governor |
Mrs Beth Thornley | YES | No longer a governor |