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We have arrived after a good journey although the roads were very wet here in Thurston! After eating our lunch, it was a quick tour of the grounds where the children were allocated their dorms and they were all very happy! Afternoon activities have included: a walk through a wet and muddy forest, night line and scrambling through wet tunnels and under fallen branches! 


After a hearty tea of burger, chips and beans AND chocolate brownie and ice cream, it was time for our evening activity… Aliens around the grounds in the dark! The children had great fun and it’s safe to say, they’ll definitely sleep tonight! Time to chill out and watch a bit of a film before bed! All is well x


Mrs Merry, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Malley x



The children all had a good sleep and awoke to a cooked breakfast of sausage, toast and beans which went down well! After this it was straight off into groups to establish routines and crack on with activities. Today these were: kayaking, tree climbing, a trip to Cathedral Quarry and a day on the lake canoeing and carrying out bush craft activities. The weather has been glorious and we have had sunshine for a large chunk of the day.


For our evening meal we have had jacket potato, pizza, vegetable chilli and cheese followed by caramel sponge pudding and custard - it was delicious and we have been impressed with the children’s appetites.


All is now calm in the lounge as they are watching a film and all of the adults have spoken so positively about the children today: their achievements, their attitudes and the way they have supported each other. Long may it continue.


Good night for tonight,

Mrs Merry, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Malley xxx


Well it was another good night’s sleep for all the children. In every dorm we woke up this morning, there was a comment along the lines of ‘well I’ve not had as good a sleep as that in ages’ and there was a child in each dorm that we struggled to wake!


Breakfast was another hearty feed of bacon rolls and then off we went again for our activities. Today, these included: climbing, abseiling, ghyll scrambling, canoeing around Lake Coniston, fire building and toasting marshmallows! The children have all had a jam packed day and it’s so lovely to see them catch up with one another when we all arrive back at the centre and share their adventures!


Our evening meal today was pasta bolognaise with garlic bread followed by waffle with ice cream and a crunchie topping! We ended the evening with the tuck shop and some social time in the barn - happy days!


Mrs Merry, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Malley xxx


Our final full day today! Breakfast was sausage barms which were delicious and, as with previous days, it was straight off out again for activities. Today these have included: some fast flowing ghyll scrambles, nightlife, a walk in the mine, tree climbing and a full day on the lake canoeing, playing commando and stopping for lunch on the island from the book Swallows and Amazons… what a day!


Our evening meal was a full roast (complete with Yorkshire pudding) followed by sticky toffee pudding and custard - yum yum! To end our day, we have had a sweet hunt followed by a hilarious game of ‘find me a’…. And we have finished watching the film Holes which has been our class reader for this half term.


We cannot express how proud we have been of each and every child. They have been pure joy and have made us laugh (and cry tonight). We know you’ll all be looking forward to seeing them tomorrow - we don’t think they’ll need much rocking tomorrow night. Thank you for sharing your children with us and thank you to the team at Thurston and Mrs Merry and Mrs Anderson for the care and commitment they have shown.


Good night,

Mrs Malley x
