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What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

Mr Rushton oversees the implementation of detailed health care plans in consultation with parents/carers for any child requiring medical assistance. These plans are shared with all staff who are involved with that pupil.

We will ask other medical practitioners to come into school to train relevant members of staff e.g. health professionals

Where necessary, and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines are administered in school but only where a medicine consent form is in place to ensure the safety of the child and protect the member of staff.

There are a number of trained first aiders in school at all times and photographs are displayed in school.

The school offers a variety of pastoral support for children who are experiencing emotional difficulties. All members of staff are readily available in the first instance should any pupil wish to discuss issues and concerns. The pastoral support worker works closely with the SENCO to develop a programme of nurture sessions for children who may need extra support.

Children who have social, emotional and mental health problems, have their needs met through individual plans and additional support or interventions. If behaviour needs are an increasing concern, the school may ask for the help of the local authority in the form of advice from the Behaviour Support Team, the writing of a Pastoral Support Plan and access to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service or Startwell, a service that gives direct support to families. School will always ask families to be fully involved in these processes.

The school looks at each child individually to ensure that their needs are met. Should a child require extra provision during unstructured times, such as playtime and lunchtimes, this would be written into a separate behaviour support plan and implemented initially by the pastoral support.
