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How will the school prepare my child for joining the school and transferring to a new school?

Before entry into Gilded Hollins reception class all information will be gathered regarding any SEND so that any necessary support can be planned for. Meetings will be arranged for those children who are already known to Early Years SEND Services to make school aware of their needs to ensure the correct support is in place.

For children who find change a challenge, we also organise transition sessions at the end of an academic year in preparation for a change of teacher and classroom. These involve talking about how things will change and how things will stay the same, as well as visiting new classrooms and teachers. All children in the school have a “Move Up Day” when they meet their new class teacher.

When children transfer to a new school, information about their educational needs is always shared with the receiving school and records passed on. At the end of Year 6 staff from the receiving secondary school will visit Gilded Hollins and talk to staff about the individual strengths and needs of all pupils. Additional visits to the secondary school may be arranged if necessary.

