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Gallery 2022/23

Summer Term

Super proud of Matilda who prepared and led a school Geography assembly on The Bahamas.

We’ve been focusing on speaking with longer passages this time on the topic of le weekend

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A visit to Crucial Crew for life skills including first aid, stranger danger, water safety and railway safety

In music, we have composed and performed our own raps!

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Some learning with our families all about angles as a measure of turn

A visit from Leigh Leopards and the rangers from South Africa discussing conservation and us as leaders of the future.

Here’s the writing we produced on Bazza!

A visit from our friend and local author, Dan Worsley. He had us laughing away at his ‘disgusting’ story and inspired us to write about Bazza, the bully.

Spring Term

Easter buddying with our Reception buddies.

Some stunning pieces of writing produced to depict Mary as a mother on Good Friday

A busy week for visitors with Mad Science teaching us all about sound and Ray Douglas sharing his very funny poetry.

Good luck to our tag rugby team heading off to Robin Park Arena!

We made everyone cry when we did out Mother’s Day assembly with our buddies in Reception!

In RE, as part of our study on Christianity, we welcomed the chaplain from Lowton High to as her questions about her faith.

As part of our RSE curriculum, we had a visit from Wigan’s healthy relationships team. We had some very mature conversations.

In computing, we looked at using variables

World Book Day 2023: crazy hair, the rights of a reader and buddying to read a favourite book of ours when we were in Reception.

This is how we roll... lunchtime dance club!

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Persuasive writing - after reading The Day the Crayons Quit and receiving letters from our chairs, lwe wrote a letter to our chairs to try to persuade them not to resign! Here’s Red Chair’s letter...

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And here’s another letter...

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A new topic in maths: algebra and we worked with concrete equipment to find unknowns.

Reading for Pleasure - a tweet from a favourite author, a meet with Abi Elphinstone and National Story Telling Week.

History - an explanation of the context of the video shown below.

History - The Civil War

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Enterprise as we raised money for our big day out. Amount raised £166.40! Well done Year 6!

Computing - using sprite lab to change variables when project planning

Art- Learning about Yayoi Kusama and analysing her work.

Working to create soft sculpture plants. We combined inspiration from Yayoi Kusama and endemic plants from the Galápagos Islands to design and make our pieces.

All our pieces were combined into one sculpture. It’s a nice addition to the kindness corner.

United Utilities talked to us about our drains and how to keep them free from blockages. Only 3 ps down the loo: pee, poo and paper!

Some gymnastics in PE working on core strength and balance.

In PSHE we looked at how quickly news can spread on social media

This video replicates news spreading quickly on social media as friends may be linked.

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Good luck to our football team with their first fixture tonight.

DT and we refined our food technology skills by preparing, eating and evaluating bean burgers.

To introduce our English Civil War topic, we asked ‘What If’ questions to help us think as historians.

It was a good turn out at cross country! Well done to all of you!

In PSHE, we looked at stereotypes and how they can be challenged and supported.

Autumn Term

Our new class reader Holes by Louis Sacher

Developing our use of precise vocabulary for descriptive writing from our class reader Holes.

And here are a couple of examples of our descriptive writing.

Reasoning with place value in number

In Science, we were learning about classification and created a branching diagram to classify sweets.

In Geography, we have been developing further our mapping skills looking at the symbols for OS Maps and 6 figure grid references.

Little People Big Dreams - just some of the new books we can borrow from the library.

Book Circles are back #readingforpleasure

PSHE Collaboration Challenge - it’s not easy!

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PE and a social skills lessons working on fine motor skills and collaboration

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PSHE solving friendship problems. Are they healthy or unhealthy?

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How proud did Year 6 make us all organising and hosting a MacMillan Coffee morning.

Tricky new written method of calculation - long division!

New school councillors, Ben and Josh, eco councillor Matilda and attendance officer Ava!

The rugby league world cups, along with a few Leigh Centurions came to pay us a visit!

A good old sing in the hall was good for our mental health

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Our families came to do some calculations with us after school. What a fabulous evening!

We’ve taken on a leadership and nurturing role as buddies to reception children

Following on from a study of Hinduism, we did some sculpture in art to create a Diva lamp

Languages Day and we learned all about our ambitions in French.

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A poignant and compassionate recital of In Flanders Fields by John Macrae

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Inspired by John Macrae’s poem, we wrote our own versions of In Flanders Fields.

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After refining our water colour technique, we created watercolours in the style of William Heaton Cooper.

A problem based activity to refine our skills at using compass directions.

A brilliant example of problem solving finding all the possibilities with prime numbers.

Testing out and discovering all the rules of divisibility brought awe and wonder in maths!

A tricky task which required a thorough understanding of properties of number and a systematic and resilient approach. Some even tried to complete it in more ways than one!

In RE, we thought about how religions help to make the world a fairer place. We tried making paper bags to see if we could earn enough rupees to survive.

There was real purpose in the classroom when we investigated simple circuits and factors which cause change. The children’s hypotheses were most impressive!

Stunning character descriptions of Scrooge from Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol

Christmas jumper day and we decorated the school dinner hall for the rest of the school for Christmas lunch!

Buddying with Reception and it was Christmas crafts and Christmas card making!

Final piece of writing from 2022 was a narrative, A Christmas Carol

Party day and it was Burns’s Bingo!
