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General Information

What do we do in Reception?

"I just play!" is one of the most frequently said comments by children in Reception. Yes, they do play but it's much more than that. We know that children learn best when they are playing so we learn through play. We create games out of maths problems, we invent reasons to write and give the children a purpose to read and communicate. We show children how to think critically, provide opportunities to construct with a purpose and give time for children to develop their personal, social and emotional needs. We do all this, and more, while presenting it to them in a fun and exciting way. See 'Curriculum' attachment above to see what things we will be doing. 


During this year, your child will be exposed to new learning and experiences which will help them to grow and develop. We do this with a balance of adult led and child led activities and games. Child led activities, are simply, activities that are chosen by children which are usually found in the learning environment. Children are given time to access the activities that are set out, without adult direction. The classroom and outdoor areas are planned and updated by staff to ensure that children have unique and personal learning opportunities. While the children are in the environment, accessing resources and challenges, adults will carefully observe and interact with children, questioning and extending their ideas.


Adult led activities are usually a little more structured and led by an adult. Just like within the classroom environment, the adult will question and observe the children within the activity. The main difference is that during these adult led activities there is one or two specific learning outcomes that will be worked on.


Where do I see observations and work completed by my child?

This year, all observations and work will be posted onto your child's personal SeeSaw account.   Children will also have books in school which will they will write in, these can be seen at any time - just ask a member of the Reception team. 


Can I add observations and work to SeeSaw?

Yes and I would strongly encourage you to do so. No one knows your child better than you. We know that working with parents and carers is the best way of supporting children. If you notice your child is counting to 15 independently while playing at home, why not take picture on SeeSaw and comment on it, to show what your child has achieved. If you are baking a cake and your child is helping, this can also by added to SeeSaw. The amazing thing about Reception, is that we are looking for all aspects of learning and development. We would love to see how they behave, how they treat others, how they celebrate family events, how they form letters, how they read books, how they compete in sports and how they learn.  


What about P.E.?

 P.E. kits should be kept in school at all times, we will send kits home at the end of each half term to be washed. As as well throwing, catching and running, changing clothes independently, fastening buttons and doing up zips fine motor skills are important parts of growing up and developing self confidence. Please ensure kits are back in school at the beginning of each new half term. Our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday.


Does my child need a water bottle?

No. We provide water in school. The children are encouraged to pour their own water out of a jug to support the development of Gross motor skills.


Does my child get fruit?

Yes. In reception, your child will have access to a free piece of fruit which they can eat during the morning session.


What is additional snack and can my child have it?

We offer children the opportunity to have an additional snack in the afternoon. Examples of additional snacks include, jam and crackers, bread sticks and dip, and carrots and hummus. For the additional snack we ask for a donation of £1 per week to cover the costs. This can be paid in half termly or termly installments. 


When will my child get a reading book?

During the first couple of weeks of school, we will assess your child's ability to recognise letter sounds and read words. Once we have done this, we will choose books that will support and teach your child. The sounds, included in the books sent home, will match the sounds being taught in school. Books will sent out very soon after starting school. 


What is Phonics?

Phonics is taught twice per day and is the main way we teach children to read. We start by learning the sounds each letter makes. We then learn how reading sounds together can create a word i.e. c-a-t = cat. As we become better at recognising / blending sounds, we can start to read short phrases and then sentences. 

Our school follows the Read, Write, Inc scheme of work which is a highly structured, proven approach to the teaching of phonics which ensures that all children are able to read with confidence.  


For more information:


Will my child get homework?

Yes, your child will receive weekly homework based on what is being taught in school. Listening to your child read, on a daily basis is also a homework expectation. 
