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What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had?

The staff at Gilded Hollins are continually updating their training through different courses, staff meetings, bespoke training, workshops etc. to ensure that staff are proficient in all relevant knowledge and skills. Over the past year, the staff have had training in the following areas:


  • What First Quality Teaching looks like for each area of need
  • Supporting children with SEND across the wider curriculum
  • Practical solutions to adaptive teaching
  • All teachers and Learning Support Assistants are part of a rolling programme to teach phonics both in class and in an intensive support group
  • Enhanced training has been provided for the SENCO and Pastoral Support through:
  • Attendance at termly SEN updates
  • Attendance at nurture group updates
  • Restorative practice
  • National award in Special Educational Needs


In addition to this, the school has regular visits from the TESS team who provide advice to staff to support the success and progress of individual pupils.

The NHS Speech Language Therapist visits as requested to assess and plan support for specific pupils. These targeted programmes are then delivered by a Learning Support Assistant.
