2.11.15 An appeal from the Chair of Governors
Your school needs your support.
Hi Everyone,
I understand from what has been written in the local press and from comments made by those who are on social media sites that while most parents are happy that Mr Nash and his staff are doing the very best they can for your children, a few feel differently. As a parent and grandparent myself I totally understand that it is natural to be very concerned about the welfare of children. However I am writing this to appeal to those very few of you who are airing your grievances in public to consider giving Mr Nash and myself the chance to hear your points and respond to them in private instead.
Mr Nash and his staff are having to work even harder than usual in order to keep everything as normal as possible because they are in a different working environment without many of their usual resources. It is therefore demoralising for them to hear that these efforts are not being fully appreciated. Similarly, Mr Pollard and his staff at the high school are being exceptionally accommodating yet are hearing these negative comments.
Gilded Hollins is a wonderful primary school, a view shared by members of our local community as proved if we ask them for support, for example, with Arts Week, when people are very happy to help such a successful school. It would be very sad if these comments were to affect how others view our school and, ultimately, our reputation and standing in the community. By all means express your concern and ask whatever questions you need to in order to feel reassured that your children are being kept safe, well educated, nurtured, warm and properly fed, but please do it to those who are best placed to help you.
Finally, thank you again for all the expressions of support from so many of you. They are much appreciated.
Liz Haworth
Chair of Governors.
I can be emailed at: liz_howarth@tiscali.co.uk