Dear Parent / Carer,
With results still not returned from the air analysis tests carried out in school, Lowton CE High School have very kindly agreed to let us have use of their facilities until our own building is available.
We are asking that parents bring their children to Lowton CE High for 9.00am tomorrow (Thursday). Gilded Hollins staff and Lowton High prefects will meet you at the roundabout on the school car park and escort you to a meeting point on the playground adjoining the all weather pitch.
We have been allocated an entire block of classrooms separate from the high school pupils, along with two playgrounds specifically for our use and a canteen solely for our pupils. Each of our classes will have a room of their own. However, it does seem likely that some interaction with high school pupils will be impossible to avoid during the day as we move around site.
Tomorrow will be the first occasion that our Reception Class will have been brought together as a full cohort and they will be placed in a separate block with their own toilet facilities, etc. We are currently awaiting the arrival of a van to take our own Reception furniture across to Lowton CE High.
Lowton CE High requests that you walk up to the high school tomorrow as they will not be able to accommodate a large number of cars arriving at the gates for health and safety reasons.
We ask that you provide your child with a packed lunch for the day as canteen facilities in school will not be available at such short notice. Children should be wearing their school uniform and bring with them all the things they would need for a usual day at Gilded Hollins, including their water bottle.
Please collect your children at 3.25pm as usual. We will escort children to the morning’s assembly point for you to collect them there.
We anticipate that this contingency plan will for both Thursday and Friday this week.
There will be no breakfast club facilities available tomorrow.
Many thanks for your patience.
D Nash